viernes, 20 de julio de 2018

It come to fruition (poem, or whatever).

If we erased both brands and labels of all around we would certainly be changing the world as up to nowadays’ been and getting back to any given point in the past… So what? We either would be taking off the timeline as we know it and manage with… So what, over again? We would be living in the middle of nowhen, namely, out of any time-reference… How much would such idea impact on our concept of time itself -Whatever that be or either personal or social level it embrace? Such a collective trip here, isn’ it? Better known as reality… So, what if brands an labels startted making nonsense?

Sheer terrorism, I know…

I see a world burning into its own greediness…
And its greediness fucking with all those who’re threating us…
And all those threating us, crawling on a lake of shit
which is upon Lost in traslation Street...

And as time goes by, and the candle puts itself out
Everyone will be shouting out:
(“…blank meant for the reader’s concernings”…)…
…and again all gotten daunting…

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